
What components does the refrigeration system of a DC/AC refrigerator include


The refrigeration system of a DC/AC refrigerator is a k […]

The refrigeration system of a DC/AC refrigerator is a key component and directly affects the refrigeration performance of the entire refrigerator.
Compressor: One of the core components of a refrigeration system is the compressor. In DC/AC refrigerators, a DC compressor is usually used because it can better adapt to DC power. DC compressors have high power conversion efficiency and can operate stably under large power fluctuations. The main function of the compressor is to suck in low-temperature and low-pressure refrigerant gas, then increase its temperature and pressure through compression, and convert it into high-temperature and high-pressure gas.
Condenser: The high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant gas enters the condenser, which is a radiator. Through the process of heat dissipation, the gas is cooled and converted into a liquid. In DC/AC refrigerators, the condenser is usually designed with compactness and high efficiency in mind to ensure effective heat dissipation in a limited space, thereby improving the cooling effect of the entire system.
Expansion valve: The high-pressure liquid refrigerant output from the condenser enters the evaporator through the expansion valve. The function of the expansion valve is to reduce the pressure of the refrigerant, causing the refrigerant to expand, thereby lowering its temperature. This process is the heat-absorbing part of the entire refrigeration cycle, which reduces the temperature inside the evaporator to achieve the effect of refrigeration or freezing.
Evaporator: The evaporator is an important component inside the cold box. It is usually located inside the cold box and is responsible for absorbing the heat released by the contents of the refrigerator, causing the refrigerant to evaporate into a gas. During this process, the temperature inside the evaporator decreases, ensuring that the temperature in the refrigerator or freezer remains within the set range.
Refrigerant: Refrigerant plays a key role in transferring heat throughout the refrigeration cycle. Common refrigerants include Freon and hydroxyfluorane. The choice of refrigerant is closely related to the performance of the system. Some advanced DC/AC refrigerators may use new refrigerants with higher thermal conductivity properties to improve the efficiency of the entire system.
Temperature control system: In order to ensure the stability of the temperature inside the refrigerator, DC/AC refrigerators are usually equipped with a sophisticated temperature control system. This system monitors the temperature inside the refrigerator in real time through sensors, and then automatically adjusts the working status of the compressor and refrigeration system to maintain the set temperature.

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