
Household refrigerator and precautions for use


With the decline of the market price of the freezer, th […]

With the decline of the market price of the freezer, the use of the freezer is becoming more and more popular; The household refrigerator has become a popular refrigerator for all households. In short, the household refrigerator is also called the household refrigerator. But because of its particularity, it is specifically called the household refrigerator.
Household refrigerators are divided by the number of doors. There are single-door, double-door, three-door, multi-door and double-door split refrigerators. The following should be noted during use:

1. There should be a certain gap between the food or containers in the household refrigerator
If the food in the refrigerator is too crowded, which hinders the circulation of cold air, it will not only lead to excessive heat load and waste of power, but also make the actual temperature in the household refrigerator higher than the set temperature, breeding bacteria and causing food deterioration.

2. The placement order is also particular, so as to make full use of space.Because different foods have different storage temperatures, in order to prevent cross taste. Simply put, the food in the refrigerator is placed on different layers mainly according to the time of consumption

3. The food in the freezer should also be stored in layers: meat, fish, seafood and other raw food should be placed at the bottom; Frozen processed foods, such as fish balls and dumplings, are placed in the middle layer; The top should be placed with small foods that need to be frozen, such as cold drinks. The tin-shaped and bottle-shaped condiments are best placed on the refrigerator door

4. Take frozen food from the freezer a few hours before eating; In the refrigerator, on the one hand, let them dissolve naturally, and at the same time, keep the temperature in the refrigerator through the cold air released by itself, so as to save electricity.

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