
  • Refrigerator power saving tips

    Refrigerator power saving tips

    For household refrigerators, the core of energy saving is the compressor, and the body insulation material is also very important. It will also be affected by many factors such as temperature control effect and ambient temperature. As for why it was discovered that the refrigerator at home consumes ... read more

    Oct 28,2020 Media
  • 3 most common refrigerator repair problems reported

    3 most common refrigerator repair problems reported

    When it comes to owning a refrigerator, there are a number of ways that come to the aid. Besides ensuring that the food stays fresh, one can comfortably get some ice to make their drink cold and for better tasting. However, there are usually some Common refrigerator repair problems that are reported... read more

    Oct 21,2020 Media
  • Is there a difference between a chest freezer and a deep freezer

    Is there a difference between a chest freezer and a deep freezer

    When the first freestanding freezers for home use were made, they were boxy chest styles with hinged lids that opened from the top. Based on their shape and the fact you had to reach deep inside to retrieve food, they earned the moniker of deep freezers. Today, the term refers to both chest and upri... read more

    Oct 14,2020 Media
  • Smart refrigerator saves a lot of space

    Smart refrigerator saves a lot of space

    We are all familiar with external drinking fountains. Nowadays, having an external dispenser is no longer a "look". Therefore, some manufacturers place the dispenser on the inner wall (this also saves space on the door and can be used for more storage). Convenience of interior design The potential o... read more

    Oct 10,2020 Media
  • How do I tell a good refrigerator from a bad refrigerator

    How do I tell a good refrigerator from a bad refrigerator

    The refrigerator is arguably the single most used appliance in your entire home. There may be days where you don’t use the dishwasher, the microwave, or the washing machine, but rarely will a day go by when you don’t access your refrigerator multiple times over the day. When it comes to choosing the... read more

    Sep 29,2020 Media